Today (March 6th, 2024) the final conference was held at our school, where the results and activities of students and teachers were presented. In addition to our students and teachers, the guests were representatives of the Ministry of Regional Development (senior associates Vladimir Glavač and Jakov Tomljanović), the Split-Dalmatia County (deputy head Igor Stanišić), the City of Vrgorac (head Goran Ćulav) and the director of the Institute for Social Research Boris Jokić.
In addition to the introductory speeches of the headmaster and guests, an overview of the activities in the project was presented by Adriana Turić Erceg and Ivana Vujčić with the headmaster.

"This is our largest project that we have carried out so far. Learning facts is no longer relevant today. What we need to encourage is critical, logical, mathematical and design thinking, to encourage cooperation, to encourage students to a new way of learning, and we get all this through STEM", said headmaster Krešimir Kuran.

Senior expert advisor at the Ministry of Regional Development and European Union Funds, Vladimir Glavač, pointed out that an effective education system is the basis of the social and economic development of every country, so the purpose of this program is to strengthen primary school education.
The Deputy Head of Education of the Split-Dalmatia County, Igor Stanišić, pointed out that the County will always provide support and cooperation for such projects. He emphasized that today's technologies enable equal development, and projects like this prepare children for future life and work.
Goran Ćulav, Head of the Unified Administrative Department at the City of Vrgorac, said that he was satisfied that the school was keeping up with modern technologies and that with this project students could apply new knowledge. Cooperation with the City will certainly continue on future projects.

With this project, children were encouraged to interdisciplinary learning and the combination of all fields in solving a task, and the newly acquired knowledge will give them new directions for the future. The project carried out six activities:
• development of the abilities of teachers and other educational workers in STEM teaching,
• activity to develop/strengthen STEM skills of elementary school students (STEM 1 for students from 1st to 4th grade and STEM 2 for students from 5th to 8th grade.),
• modernization of space and procurement of STEM equipment,
• professional development activity intended for teachers and other educational workers in active citizenship and entrepreneurship,
• development of learning models, practical work in classes and other educational activities in STEM, active citizenship and entrepreneurship,
• development and implementation of educational programs and extracurricular activities for elementary school students in active citizenship and entrepreneurship.
Field classes and educational workshops for students and teachers were also held. A total of 484 students went through all the activities, including 25 students with special needs and 18 teachers.
The largest part of the funds was spent on the modernization of classrooms and the purchase of STEM equipment. Thus, 3 sets of STEM equipment for STEM education, 20 interactive boards, 23 computers and 49 materials and teaching aids, 4 sets of equipment for astronomy, 256 lockers for students and a NAO robot were acquired.
With the help of teacher Nevena Džajić, who is the leader of the robotics group, the NAO robot demonstrated its skills to the delight of those present.

The EEA financial mechanism and the Norwegian financial mechanism contribute to the reduction of social and economic differences within Europe and strengthen bilateral cooperation between the donor countries (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) and the Republic of Croatia.