U sklopu projekta STEM u OŠ VRGORAC jučer (2.3.2024.) je organizirana je jednodnevna terenska nastava u Smiljan i Plitvička jezera za 42 učenika OŠ Vrgorac. Učenici su sa svojim učiteljima posjetili Memorijalni centar Nikola Tesla u Smiljanu kao i rodnu kuću Nikole Tesle.
As part of the STEM project at Vrgorac Elementary School, a one-day field lesson was organized in Smiljan and Plitvice Lakes for 42 students of Vrgorac Elementary School yesterday (March 2nd, 2024). The students and their teachers visited the Nikola Tesla Memorial Center in Smiljan, as well as Nikola Tesla's birthplace.
Nakon Smiljana krenuli su prema NP Plitvička jezera gdje su nakon ručka uz pratnju stručnog vodiča obišli naš najstariji nacionalni park.
After Smiljan, they headed towards Plitvička jezera National Park, where after lunch they toured our oldest national park accompanied by an expert guide.
On the way back to Vrgorac, they refreshed themselves with dinner in Zadar.
Field lessons were completely free for the students of Vrgorac Primary School.
We believe that it was interesting for the accompanying students and teachers.
The STEM project at Vrgorac Elementary School was applied by Vrgorac Elementary School in 2021, approved in 2022, and financed from the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area for the period from 2014 to 2021 and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism for the period from 2014 to 2021. and with funds from the Ministry of Regional Development and European Union funds.