Osnovna škola Vrgorac

Datum objave: 12. lipnja 2023.
Kategorija: eTwinning


Stoti dan škole projekt je koji se obilježava tradicionalno u brojnim europskim zemljama. Na nacionalnoj razini obilježavamo ga ostvarujući cilj projekta: okupiti učenike i učitelje osnovnih škola koji su spremni na nacionalnoj/lokalnoj/međunarodnoj razini kroz odabrane sadržaje obilježiti ovaj dan u školi. Dan je zamišljen kao dan bez školskih udžbenika kroz igre i međupredmetne korelacije i aktivnosti istražiti broj 100.


The hundredth day of school is a project that is celebrated traditionally in many European countries. At the national level, we celebrate it by realizing the goal of the project: to gather students and teachers of elementary schools who are ready to celebrate this day at school through selected contents at the national/local/international level. The day is designed as a day without school textbooks to explore the number 100 through games and cross-curricular correlations and activities.

Kroz niz provedenih aktivnosti učenici su stekli kompentencije komuniciranja na materinjem jeziku. Kroz socijalna i građanska prava i dužnosti, kao dio zajednice, učenici su razvijali i osvijestili vlastitu kulturološku dimenziju. Koristili su se vođenim igrama i aktivnostima te tako osvijestili osobni i socijalni razvoj unutar zajednice. Naučili su koristiti jednostavne 2.0.alate te shvatili vrijednost učenja novih vještina. Razvili vještine prezentacije i javnog nastupa, kulturnog ponašanja, dramsko -recitatorske, jezične, glazbene i plesne vještine.

Sudjelujući u različitim istraživačkim, stvaralačkim i kreativnim aktivnostima, učenici su školu doživjeli kao mjesto ugodnog i korisnog druženja, a učenje se  vrlo brzo pretvorilo u igru i zabavu!

Sudjelovali su učenici 1. razreda s učiteljicom Cvitom, knjižničarka Adriana i učenici područne škole Umčani s učiteljicom Đeni.

The hundredth day of school is a project that is celebrated traditionally in many European countries. At the national level, we celebrate it by realizing the goal of the project: to gather students and teachers of elementary schools who are ready to celebrate this day at school through selected contents at the national/local/international level. The day is designed as a day without school textbooks to explore the number 100 through games and cross-curricular correlations and activities.

Through a series of activities, the students acquired the competence to communicate in their mother tongue. Through social and civil rights and duties, as part of the community, students developed and became aware of their own cultural dimension. They used guided games and activities and thus became aware of personal and social development within the community. They learned how to use simple 2.0 tools and understood the value of learning new skills. They developed presentation and public performance skills, cultural behavior, drama-recitation skills, language, music and dance skills.

Participating in various research, creative and creative activities, the students experienced the school as a place of pleasant and useful socializing, and learning very quickly turned into play and fun!



In this project participated 1st grade students with their teacher Cvita, librarian Adriana and students of Umčani district school with their teacher Đeni.


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