Od malena djeci treba dopustiti izražavanje kreativnosti samostalnim istraživanjem, proučavanjem i postavljanjem pitanja, a naši učitelji upravo to i potiču kod djece. Tako su u OŠ Vrgorac naši najmlađi STEMOVCI putem prezentacije i predočenih mobila planeta upoznali SUNČEV SUSTAV.
From a young age, children should be allowed to express their creativity through independent research, study and asking questions, and our teachers encourage this in children. Thus, in Vrgorac Elementary School, our youngest students from STEM learned about the SOLAR SYSTEM through a presentation and presented mobile planets.
A workshop where the activities were designed in such a way as to encourage children to be ready, cooperate and develop skills for a critical approach to solving various problems was held at the Umčani Primary School. After checking their knowledge in Kahoot and announcing the winner, the students independently made models of the planets of the solar system.
Kepler would be delighted with our little astronomers!
Kepler would be delighted with our little astronomers!