On Thursday, February 8th, 2024, university professors from the University of Stavanger, Royal Norway, Frode Skarstein, Tuula Skarstein and Hans Erik Bugge, as part of the STEM project at the Vrgorac Elementary School, held the last educational workshop for the teachers of the Vrgorac Elementary School. Topic of the educational interactive workshop: Making a smart house with microcontrollers.

Teachers are introduced to what microcontrollers can do, how to do simple wiring, connecting mechanical devices to a computer, and simple coding. After the presentation, teachers had the opportunity to create a model of a smart house together with university professors, which will be of great use to them in their daily lives and they will be able to apply the knowledge they have learned in their work with students. The workshop was held for 14 teachers of the Vrgorac Elementary School who are involved in the STEM project at the Vrgorac Elementary School. Before the educational workshop, they held an interview with all the teachers who participated in the project.

The STEM project at Vrgorac Elementary School was applied by Vrgorac Elementary School in 2021, approved in 2022, and financed from the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area for the period from 2014 to 2021 and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism for the period from 2014 to 2021. and with funds from the Ministry of Regional Development and European Union funds.