2022-10-25 08:49:00

Prvo predavanje norveških partnera u sklopu projekta STEM u OŠ Vrgorac/First lecture by Norwegian partners as part of the STEM project at Vrgorac Primary School

U sklopu projekta STEM u OŠ Vrgorac 24. listopada 2022. održano je prvo predavanje norveških partnera sa Sveučilišta u Stavangeru.

On October 24, 2022, the first lecture of the Norwegian partners from the University of Stavanger was held as part of the STEM project at Vrgorac Elementary School.

Predstavnici Sveučilišta u Stavangeru, Inge Christ i Markus Barkved upoznali su učitelje OŠ Vrgorac, koji sudjeluju u projektu STEM u OŠ Vrgorac, sa svojim sveičilištem, radom na sveučilištu kao i sa svojom suradnjom sa osnovnim i srednjim školama na području STEM-a.

Representatives of the University of Stavanger, Inge Christ and Markus Barkved, introduced the teachers of Vrgorac Elementary School, who participate in the STEM project at Vrgorac Elementary School, with their university, work at the university, as well as with their cooperation with primary and secondary schools in the field of STEM.

U uvodnom dijelu objašnjen je razvoj STEM područja te praksa koja je dostupna na norveškim sveučilištima i školama po pitanu STEM-a.

In the introductory part the development of the STEM field and the practice that is available at Norwegian universities and schools in the field of STEM was explained.

Učiteljima OŠ Vrgorac prikazani su primjeri rada, održane radionice te dane upute na koji način se mogu koristiti različiti materijali koji nas okružuju za prezentaciju određenih pojava koje spadaju u domenu STEM područja. OŠ vrgorac je od norveških partnera dobila nekoliko rekvizit akoje će moći korititi u nastavi biologije, kemije i fizike.

The teachers of Vrgorac Primary School were shown examples of work, workshops were held and instructions were given on how to use the various materials that surround us for the presentation of certain phenomena that fall within the domain of the STEM field. Elementary school Vrgorac received several props from its Norwegian partners, which they will be able to use in biology, chemistry and physics classes.

Radujemo se novim predavanjima i suradnji sa partnerima sa Sveučilišta u Stavangeru.

We are looking forward to new lectures and cooperation with partners from the University of Stavanger.

Osnovna škola "Vrgorac"